
I have spoken many times about my desire to be honest.  This blog not only serves as a source to keep people updated on our family, but it is also a diary of sorts.  A way for me to look back and remember - good, bad and ugly.  Although having a positive attitude is essential in surviving each day, there are days when life and all of its pain gets to me.  I want to share those moments, too.  They are an important glimpse into this life of mine.  They are real.

I sometimes encounter people who want to point out the positive in everything.  It can be frustrating to feel like I cannot share from the heart, without being *corrected*.  It seems as if sadness is sometimes looked at as a rejection of God's will and His love.  I disagree.

I cannot pretend that I do not get angry - that I don't wonder WHY.  I listen to other people complain and I want to stop them and give them a little perspective.  

Yet at the same time, I know that my story is my experience.  I cannot expect others to use my life as their gauge.  I remember in the pre-diagnosis days, that small things felt so big.  Hindsight is a powerful thing.

There are days when I no longer cry.  My sadness is deep within me.  The tears don't flow as easily as they used to.  My mind wanders to the future - thinks about their funerals, how I will possibly be able to cope with such pain.  It scares me.

This doesn't mean I have given up hope.  That I have succumbed to the devastating disease and written off any chance for my children.

I still hope for a cure.  I hope that it will not come too late.  Waverly & Oliver have had an incredible impact on so many people already in their short lives.  And I am excited to see what else they are going to accomplish.


The Leivas said…
I appreciate your honesty so much!
Anonymous said…
MPS parents have one of the toughest jobs in the world. Their pay comes in smiles of their children. Matt's video, Fix Me, shows an abundance of beautiful smiles. Accept them and at that moment, know you are rich. To the researchers of Sanfilippo--I want you to know that you are in my prayers.
kidsmom said…
I've passed on your blog to other friends, because you write so well and so beautifully of your journey. While I know that you would never have chosen this purpose in your life, your clarity of thought has touched me with each post your write.

Your last two sentences today are powerful and hopeful.

Thank you for sharing your journey.
Kansas City
Anonymous said…
It would be inhuman not to mourn the losses that your kids are experiencing. Nobody should ever "correct" your sadness.

You are an inspiration, but I wish that you didn't have to be.
I have been reading your blog since almost the beginning and I really appreciate your honesty. And the bottom line is that this is YOUR journey! You will experience it your way and NO ONE has the right to "correct" that! I hope you'll continue being honest and know that there are people out here that have never meet you who admire you and love your kids so much! May God bless you this week!
lesley said…
Hi! I came across your blog "I don't know how" but here I am. Your children are lovely, I love your daughter's thick full hair and your son's adorable profile! I also have a daughter that I drape in Hanna Andersson clothes (aren't they the best!), and she does not have a diagnosis yet, but I just wanted to say hello and I enjoy reading all you have to say.
pknelson said…
Keep pouring out your honest feelings Shannon. I have learned so much from them. Matt's video was so moving. Thanks Matt. The kids are wonderful and they do continue to have an impact on me. I don't believe there are any answers this side of heaven.All we can do is pray and love them and you. Hugs to all of you from this TN Grandma.

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