Hi Waverly

Waverly started first grade today.  She is at the same school, but with a new teacher and 1:1.  I was able to take her up to her classroom this morning and meet everyone.  Her 1:1 seems wonderful.  She already thought out a little schedule she wanted to use with Waverly and she is going to talk with the PT about a gait belt.  Waverly will be able to walk with both hands free for balance, but her aide can hold onto the belt to keep her standing.  Her teacher was very nice.  I think Waverly is going to have another great year.

The highlight of my day happened in the school hallway.  I was walking with Waverly when another class went by.  One of the girls saw Wavey and said "Hi Waverly!".  It was wonderful!!  I had to hold back the tears.  That little girl will never know just how much her little greeting meant to me.


Jenkins said…
So sweet!
Happy first day of school Waverly!
OH wow! I hope Waverly has a great year of 1st grade! You know, kids never cease to amaze me with how good and pure their little hearts are. What a sweet moment to tuck away into your heart.
From the mouths of babes. What a gift for you.
Joanne Huff said…
That is so sweet, Shannon. It amazes me throughout each day how children can look through the diagnosis. They often simply see the person inside and not an ounce of the disease. It's a wonderful feeling to experience that! xoxo to you all, Joanne
I thought of you this year as I read a letter from the parents of a little boy in my son's class. Their son has autism and they wanted the classmates to understand his needs. I had a great talk with my son about going out of his way to be this boy's friend and he promised me that he would. Then I emailed the parents to tell them that we read the letter together and they could count on us. Their replies were gushing of thanks, but I really feel blessed for the opportunity. My awareness to these things has very much been heightened because of your blog.