Feeding Chair

Good news!!  I have been working on getting Waverly a feeding chair for 6 months.  The process is quite tedious - prescription from the doctor, letter of medical necessity, letter of support from the PT, many forms, insurance requests.  Whew!  And of course insurance will deny the request and so you have to begin the appeal process.  Well I finally received a letter last week stating approval for a positioning chair.  Today we met with a durable medical goods supplier.  He came to Wavey's PT appointment to fit her for the best chair.  It looks like we have a winner.  She will be getting a chair from Prospect Design.  It has a comfy seat, lateral supports, head support, footrest and tray.  This little piece of equipment is going to change our lives.  Currently she is in a booster seat and is able to fall out/tip it over.  So we have to hold onto the chair while she eats to keep her safe.  I also have no place to put her safely if I need to tend to Oliver or even take a quick shower.  The chair has wheels and it is close to the ground, making it easy for me to back her into it without lifting her.  (65 pounds is getting heavy!)  I am so thoroughly excited!!  And we should have it in just a few short weeks.  It is the little things.


Jenkins said…
The chairs looks so cool and seems like it would be great support for her and comfort for you!

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