Autumn Update

Watson is now stitches and cone free. He was quite a trooper the past few weeks and is happy to finally be able to take short walks and venture around the house a bit more. He still has to take it slow, but it looks like he will make a full recovery.

Waverly & Oliver are both doing well. No changes or updates. Just enjoying this most glorious time of year together - enjoying the walks outside in the crisp air, baking a ton of yummy treats and getting ready to celebrate holidays & birthdays.


Anonymous said…
Looks like the kids are enjoying a beautiful fall in DC. Thanks for the update nm
Anonymous said…
I've been reading your blog for years...I was just wondering if you saw that article on about the family with a daughter who has sanfilippo and have chosen to quarantine themselves so they can do a trial later. What are your thoughts on that?

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