Wavey Inspires
Waverly turns 11 years old on November 15th. As you can imagine, birthday are bittersweet in our family. When Waverly & Oliver were diagnosed with Sanfilippo Syndrome 6.5 years ago, we were told their life span would be anywhere from 10-16 years. We have no idea how much time we have left with them, but we focus on today. Celebrating the moment at hand and making memories along the way.
In an effort to celebrate her birthday, we are asking for your help. We would like to encourage you and your family to reach out to a family in your area who has a child with special needs. Introduce yourself, have your child make them a card, invite them out for coffee or a playdate, give them a gift card. We want to see "Waves of Inclusion" throughout the world, in honor of our inspiring little girl.
Please *like* our Facebook page - "Wavey Inspires". Share our idea and please share how you blessed a family in your life in honor of Waverly's birthday.
Thank you!!
I will be spending my November 15th #Waveyinspires ing while going through my training for Jill's House! She will be on my thoughts all day!
-Jacqueline Preston