Chill Out

A friend of mine gave us the most wonderful hand-me-downs ever. Chill Out Chairs! I have been trying to get insurance to approve them for years, without any luck. They are super comfy positioning chairs, with ottomans to elevate the legs. Waverly is developing scoliosis, so keeping her positioned straight and in the paper alignment is important. These chairs make it possible, while keeping her cozy. What a fantastic gift for Waverly & Oliver.


Anonymous said…
omg look super comfy! nm
Camille said…
HOORAY! So glad for your kids!
Anonymous said…
Hi, I am from Prague, The Czech Rep., currently living in Italy. I just wanted to let you know that I read your blog (have been for more than 3 years now - I came here through a link on a czech MPS-family´s blog, they have a 10 yo girl and an 8 yo boy, both MPS 3A), and I think about your kids and the whole family very often. I keep you all in my prayers.

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