A Thousand Words

I am sorry that the blog has been picture-less the past few days. A friend is borrowing our camera and we have yet to get it back. Hopefully tomorrow I will have some new photos to share with all of you. Waverly had "school" this morning and her favorite friend, Sophie, was there. Sophie is 4 and has Down Syndrome. The 2 girls play beautifully together - it is really cute to watch. Oliver is semi-crawling now. He crawls with one leg up, like a crab. He doesn't move too fast, but he is able to get around more. It shouldn't be long before he is all over the house. A few of you have asked about my Grandfather. He is still in ICU after suffering a stroke last week. The prognosis is not good, but we are still praying for recovery. Thanks for your prayers and encouragement.


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