There is something special about meeting another family who has a child with Sanfilippo. You all *get it*. No need for explanations.
And then there are those families with whom you click not only because of the common denominator of Sanfilippo. You simply enjoy one another's company.
This weekend we were able to spend time with 2 fantastic families. Both moms have become dear friends. They each have a little girl with Sanfilippo. You may remember them from the photos last year at this time. (I forgot my camera, so no current photo.) We walked around DC and ate lots of delicious food. We talked. We vented. We understood. You may think that sitting around a large table with 3 little girls in wheelchairs may make me feel a bit self-conscious. But in fact, it was the complete opposite. I felt a part of something. I wasn't alone. I was among friends. It was a great feeling.
Thanks for traveling all that way to spend time with us, Cari & Jen! I love you and your beautiful families.