Special Ed Eligible
This morning I had Oliver's triennial eligibility meeting. Every 3 years his entire educational team gets together to decide if he is still eligible for special education services. Given the diagnosis of Sanfilippo Syndrome it seems silly to have these, but we have to comply with the law. Thankfully, much of the information from our visits to the University of MN for the Natural History study is used to determine services.
I have been through many IEP, addendum and eligibility meetings in the past few years. Thankfully, they have all gone smoothly. We are fortunate to live in an excellent school district with superb special education programs.
My eyes still well up with tears at almost every meeting. Typically is it when we have to all agree and check a box stating that Waverly & Oliver are significantly below average in varying categories. It happened again this morning. My head down pretending to follow along, desperate to not allow a tear to escape and drip onto my papers. I made it without an ink smudge on my signature.
And so Oliver is set for another 3 years. Now I have to make it through Waverly's later this spring. It is not going to be easy.
(But on the same note, I'm so glad for you that you are in wonderful school district that is incredibly accommodating for W and O).