
Oliver has decided that he no longer wants to nap.  Unfortunately, his body does not like that decision and is protesting.  He became so weepy after dinner that I had to put him straight to bed.  He just stood in the corner, with his lip out and whimpered.  It was such a sad sight.  Hopefully he will take my advice and nap tomorrow.

Wavey hasn't said mommy for a few days.  She was saying "" and I could see in her eyes that she was trying to get it out, but her brain just isn't allowing her to form the word anymore.  I think that as quickly and mysteriously as it appeared, it may have faded away once again.  I am sad to see it go.  I remember crying when I realized she had stopped saying it.  I was devastated to realize that I would never hear it again.  And then I was given the gift of hearing it over and over again for a week.  I captured it on tape and I will always be able to listen to her little voice say my name.


Laura said…
I wish I had taken your advice immediately about capturing Julie's speech on tape. At the time, she was so fluent and I thought I had many months/years to record her. After she lost so much of her speech so suddenly in April, I have realized that I don't have really anything. I was watching a ridiculous video Alex made of himself on iMovie last week and when I heard her sweet voice way in the background (in another part of the house) singing Old MacDonald my heart just stopped.

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