
I spent part of the afternoon reading through my blog.  I was reading back through March and April when the kids were diagnosed.  I remember those moments so clearly.  The emotions feel so near the surface, yet those days feel so far behind.

Matt is working on putting some of our video and photos from London into short video.  I am hoping to be able to post it on the blog when it is complete.  It is strange to see the photos of the kids before we knew they had a hidden horrible disease.

Today has been a sad day.


Cheryl said…
Shannon, you don't know me. I went to Taylor, and am now married to Andrew Pfeiffer (who will write his own post after some sleep) who went to India with Matt. Anyway. You and your beautiful family are very freshly on our hearts, and we just kept looking at each other in total disbelief and non-understanding while we went back and read your words the months when Waverly and Oliver were diagnosed. I distinctly remember your one blog spot about not feeling especially compassionate toward others at that time. Oh my. You are allowed to feel whatever it is you need to feel. I'm beginning immunotherapy for melanoma in two days, and hearing your story makes me totally ashamed of any moments of pity-party I've had about the treatment. I am so humbled and softened by your life.

I sit here and try to type through tears thinking of your precious pair and of our own little ones (1 & 3) and of the dreams I have for them. Shannon, I'm so sorry. I don't know you, but I hope you take hugs, because with all of who I am right now, I'm the one hugging you, crying on your shoulder from Cincinnati. It seems backwards, but things don't have to make sense do they.

I have put your blog as a link from mine after reading about you want to get the word out about this syndrome. Please let me know if you'd rather I not link it.

Signing off, sending up a serious of prayers for your days and nights. How to walk. To see even a glimpse of the good He has in today.

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