
This morning Waverly had a barium swallow study at Children's.  Thankfully she loves the taste of barium infused foods.  She did a great job.  Structurally, everything looked normal.  There was one instance while she was drinking the liquid that it started to go down her trachea and then was redirected down her esophagus.  This is exactly what we see at home.  When she is drinking from her cup or chewing thus creating a lot of saliva, she will cough and begin to choke.  We will get a formal report in a few days, but for now the advice was simply to allow time between sips and not let her to glug her drink.


Unknown said…
Nice play on words. I would be glad that she even drank it or attempted to drink it. Alan would just hold his hand up and say no and shake his head. Give her a big hug from me and make sure you tickle that little boy of yours as well.
Laura said…
I'm glad the swallow study is not a negative experience for her. At least there is one test/procedure that isn't a super stressful event! Wavey - stop chugging that milk/juice/beer/water!!!

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