Of Course

When Oliver got off the bus this afternoon he seemed incredibly tired.  We decided to put him right down for his nap.  I noticed that he seemed restless in his sleep, but when I went in to check on him he seemed okay.  He wasn't.  I went into his room, while talking on the phone with a friend and fellow MPS mom, and realized he threw up everywhere.  Now I do not typically deal with vomit.  That is Matt's area of expertise.  Unfortunately, I was on my own.  And of course this happened 20 minutes before I had to get Waverly off of the bus and rush over to Children's to pick up her new hearing aid.  We survived the ordeal and thankfully he has been vomit free for the rest of the night.  I am hoping, praying, crossing my fingers and toes, that it was just a reaction to something he ate and not a stomach bug.  We are off to Disney World this weekend and I would hate to delay our departure or risk traveling with a sick little boy.


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