Hello 2010

I cannot believe another year is over.  Time is flying by so quickly.  I hate that.  I want the days to linger and months to feel like years.  But alas, that is not the case.  I have never been a huge new year celebrator.  I am not one for resolutions.  This year Matt is working late and the kids are asleep.  I am already under the blankets, ready for sleep.  I spent some time looking over the past year in photos, blog posts, videos and statuses.  We survived and in so many ways had a wonderful time doing it.  We made some amazing memories.  

It is always difficult for me to explain that I can savor moments with Waverly & Oliver and experience pure joy in them.  However, at the same time my heart is heavy with sadness.  I never feel as if I can adequately express both extremes honestly.  I am afraid I will sound insincere - faking happiness or putting on a "brave face".  Or I will wallow in sorrow and bring down all those around me with my gloom.  I hope I can continue this blog into the new year, being as honest as I can be in the midst of such turmoil.

Iit was a year full of incredible memories.  I cherish my time with the kids unlike ever before.  I appreciate the small things.  I am a very blessed mom to have had a full year with my 2 amazing children.

I am heading into 2010 with apprehension.  I have no idea what the year holds, but I know that we are going to take each day as it comes and thank God for another day.  Another day with the most incredible kids.  Another day to be a mommy.  Another day to hope for a miracle.

I hope you all have a wonderful New Year's Eve where ever you are.


Beth said…
Thanks for your honesty. Wow. Each day is truly a gift. You are such an amazing example to me to treasure each moment with my kids. I follow your blog and often read with tears in my eyes for the joys you share and the struggles you endure. God is using you incredibly. He is our comfort and strength.
A TU alumni praying for you and your family.
Cari said…
I think you do a pretty darn good job explaining how difficult and bittersweet things can be. I hope you keep it up!

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