
I need your help.  MPS Awareness Day is coming up in a few months.  Last year I made hundreds of purple ribbons to give out to Matt's coworkers and at Waverly's school.  I also ordered a bunch of purple lollypops to hand out and I put stickers on them with the MPS Society's website.  Some people donated money for the items and we were able to donate it to the MPS Society.  I would like to do something similar this year at Matt's job and the kids' schools.  Any ideas???


Laura said…
I bought a bunch (3 reams) of purple paper in a heavy weight (65 lb, I think) for MPS Awareness activities. I need to figure something out as well!
Kim said…
You could do a purple postcard/photocard with your kids' photos, a few facts, and how to make a donation. I'm guessing you just got through sending cards for the holidays...but Waverly and Oliver are just so cute.
Anonymous said…
I like the lollypops, even if it's from last year. We'd like to buy some to give out! I could help you put ribbons on them one day if we can get together. Does your poor ankle prohibit this? nm
Jenkins said…
I love the postcard idea with pictures, description and donation info. Pictures gives a face to people to help them understand and be touched by it. Words give meaning to those pictures.

I do not have any great ideas but I love that you are looking for ways to let others know!
katie said…
i have the bracelet that says 'courage' and the mps website on it from the yard sale we had for Waverly and Oliver at Faith Church. i know i've worn it every day since i got it. so i suggest something you can keep with you, maybe wear like the bracelets. it's been a great reminder to think and pray for Waverly and Oliver.

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