
I am still on a bit of a high from our time with Sasha and her family.  It made me wish that I lived closer to other friends who have children with Sanfilippo.  In such a short period of time, we can form a deep connection.  Experiencing the devastation of a child's terminal diagnosis is (thankfully) very rare.  Then add the uniqueness of Sanfilippo and the progressive nature of the disease.  When you meet another mother who understands, you form an instant friendship.  And then there are those special moms who in addition to sharing the tragedy of MPS, you also share interests.  They have become such a vital source of support, encouragement and friendship.

I have recently connected with a mom who had a son pass away from Sanfilippo about 20 years ago.  When her son was diagnosed there was no MPS Society, no support forums or doctors with an understanding of the disease.  She went to her local library and had the librarian look up the specifics of Sanfilippo.  That was all she had.

I am thankful for my fellow MPS moms.  I am thankful for the MPS Society and the incredible resource they have been to us.  I am thankful for my friends and family who have been there for me in such tangible ways over the past few years.  Thanks to all of you for reading the blog and following our story.  I cannot even explain how encouraging your comments have been to me.  The blog is therapy for me.  It is also a way of telling Waverly & Oliver's story to the world.  It is my hope that their story has a positive impact on others.  I hope you can remember to celebrate the little things in life.


Anonymous saidā€¦
Your story has made a huge impact on my life. Waverly & Oliver come to my mind many times throughout the week. And even though we have never met (my SIL is your friend), your story has touched my heart. You are in our prayers. I hug my children just a little tighter. Many prayers.
Courtney saidā€¦
Wavey, Oliver, you and Matt are all a huge inspiration. Your courage, your willingness to keep fighting, your spirt and strength astound me on a daily basis, Shan. I continue to hope and pray for a cure for this horrible disease. XOXO! Court
Liv Life saidā€¦
I completely understand what you are saying! For obvious reasons, but also for meeting you and having those special MPS mom's that just get it! I can't imagine not having that connection and going through this alone. I'm so happy you've made connections and feel that support. You are a strong person and a great mom! Thanks for sharing!
pknelson saidā€¦
Shannon you have taught me so many things reading your blog. I know that the one thing with the biggest impact is to celebrate the little things. Thank you. Even though I haven't met Waverly or Oliver in person you have allowed me to share in their young lives and I am grateful. They are precious and I hope to meet them in person some day.
Stefanie Boyce saidā€¦
I couldn't have said it better myself!
Joanne saidā€¦
Hi Shannon,

It was so wonderful meeting you in person a few days back and I have been feeling ALL the things you wrote in this entry. You described what I too have been feeling SO well, being on that high as you'd said, and wishing we lived closer. Meeting you all was such a special day for me.

I've also often thought about what this journey was like for parents decades back, when they did not have the kind of support and outlets for communication that the internet brings. Lately I have been so very thankful for that.

I hope we can get together again the way we did earlier this week. It was an incredible day for me! Thank you again! Joanne
Joanne saidā€¦
Hi Shannon,

It was so wonderful meeting you in person a few days back and I have been feeling ALL the things you wrote in this entry. You described what I too have been feeling SO well, being on that high as you'd said, and wishing we lived closer. Meeting you all was such a special day for me.

I've also often thought about what this journey was like for parents decades back, when they did not have the kind of support and outlets for communication that the internet brings. Lately I have been so very thankful for that.

I hope we can get together again the way we did earlier this week. It was an incredible day for me! Thank you again! Joanne
Zita saidā€¦
Shannon, I ran into your blog quite a while back through Leslie Jurado's blog about Izzy. You have a gift for putting down on paper what you are feeling and going through with Waverly and Oliver. You should consider turning this blog into a book someday.

I commend you for being such a strong voice for your children and pray that the research being done can someday help them.

I was very upset today about some bad news I received but after reading your recent posts, it truly makes mestop and see how we sopmetimes make a big deal about such insignificant things. Thanks for reminding me of that.

Your family is often in my thoughts. . . . Zita De Vita

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