Disney Bound
We are off to Disney World today for Oliver's Make-a-Wish trip. We cannot believe the day has finally arrived. He is going to have an incredible time. Matt and I are so excited to watch him enjoy all that Disney has to offer. Waverly is going to have a fantastic time, too. I will try to update the blog a few times while we are down there, if time permits. However, I am looking forward to taking a break from "real life" and simply making memories with my family.
Please continue to vote for Team Sanfilippo in the Pepsi Refresh Project. We are still in 1st place, but in the past many teams have come from behind to win the grant in the last days and even hours. What a thrill to find out on 2/1 that we won. That would be the perfect addition to an already special week.
Thanks for all of your support.
We hope you are all having a wonderful time at Disney! Can't wait to read about it and see some pictures. We miss your blog entries this week and with the end of the Pepsi Refresh Project, it's like a double whammie. We'll be excited when you return to us in cyber-world! Hugs to you all, Joanne