Even though it was a short "work" week (Matt had off Monday and Tuesday), it was still LONG and I am so excited the weekend is upon us.  The kids are both feeling much better, Matt fought off getting sick and I am just about healed.  Now if only spring would arrive and we could play outside - that would be perfect.

The melatonin is still the miracle drug in our household.  Waverly has been falling asleep within 15 minutes since we started her on it.  She still wakes up in the middle of the night, but we are able to get her back to sleep.  It has been so nice for Matt & I to have some time together at night.

Oliver has conquered a new sign this week:  "music".  It is so exciting to watch him learn how to communicate...even if it's not through his speech.


Christine said…
Good news! Have a blessed weekend!
Unknown said…
I'm so glad to hear that you and the kids are feeling better and I pray Matt's body will be enabled to fight off getting sick! Isn't Melatonin great! It's helping Waverly get to sleep quicker and it's helping you and Matt have some time together in the evenings. Two benefits/one pill.
Love you!!

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