
We had quite an uneventful weekend.  It was chilly and rainy.  We chose to stay in most of the weekend, except for a trip to Ikea.  It is always a good place to go on a rainy day - I love to look at everything and Matt loves their hotdogs.  (They are only 50 cents!)  Sunday night I was able to meet up with 2 new and very dear friends.  Carrie and I went to college together.  Laura is a friend of Carrie's from church.  They both have beautiful little boys with significant health issues and special needs.  It is such a gift to be able to talk face to face with other moms facing the many doctor appointments, therapy sessions, medicines, etc.  It is a wonderful time to feel understood and not alone.  I am so thankful for their friendship.

Friday is the 1 year anniversary of Waverly's diagnosis.  I have been consumed with the date quickly approaching since last month.  I've been looking at my planner from last year and remembering the 6 weeks we were back in the US for all of the doctor appointments, like a strange memory countdown.  I know it is simply a date, but our lives changed drastically that day.


Anonymous said…
Friday also marks another year that Waverly is older! Cherish her forever...she loves you.
Anonymous said…
It is a significant milestone. It is a day to mourn and a day to give thanks. I think it is the mixed feelings that make it so difficult for me. Even after 4 years, the anniversary of diagnosis makes me very sad even though I am glad I have had another year with my sweet daughter. I will be sending you positive thoughts.

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