I found your blog by connecting via a series of blog links that started at my sister's blog (deanjulieandboys.blogspot.com) and eventually landed at yours. It's amazing how small our world is because I see that you are linked to Izzy Jurado's blog. I know Izzy and her mother is actually my daughter's OT. Anyway, your children are beautiful and I wish you all the best.
Anonymous said…
these pics made me smile :-) waverly and oliver definitley have to be in the running for the cutest kids in the world! thinking about you and praying for your here at TU
Those are so wonderful pictures! They were certainly enjoying whatever was going on! I did wear purple (living in the house with all boys, my closet is the only one with purple in it).
Eileen from Michigan
Anyway, your children are beautiful and I wish you all the best.
I did wear purple (living in the house with all boys, my closet is the only one with purple in it).